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Showing posts from December 27, 2009

What is SSL ?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral. SSL is an industry standard and is used by millions of websites in the protection of their online transactions with their customers. To be able to create an SSL connection a web server requires an SSL Certificate. When you choose to activate SSL on your web server you will be prompted to complete a number of questions about the identity of your website and your company. Your web server then creates two cryptographic keys - a Private Key and a Public Key. The Public Key does not need to be secret and is placed into a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) - a data file also containing your details. You should then submit the CSR. During the SSL Certificate application process, the Certification Authority will validate your details and issue an SSL Certificat...
"i-Video", Indosat Video. Adalah merupakan suatu layanan berbasis video untuk semua pelanggan dari Indosat Provider. Indosat adalah salah satu provider besar yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan layanan ini, memungkinkan pelanggan dapat melakukan interaksi dengan menggunakan video lewat media 3G. Layanan i-video ini memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihan. Untuk kekurangannya, seperti ; 1. Masalah utamanya adalah belum meratanya coverage area yang mencakup tersedianya sinyal 3G. Saat ini, sinyal 3G masih jauh lebih banyak dikuasai oleh provider dari Telkomsel. Tentunya pelanggan tidak semua dapat menggunakan layanan ini. Misalnya, di daerah-daerah yang bukan termasuk kota besar. 2. Saat ini, semua provider dari telekomunikasi masih membutuhkan register manual untuk dapat menggunakan 3G. Semoga, provider-provider di indonesia dapat memperbaiki akan hal ini. Sehingga pelanggan yang awam, dapat secara langsung menggunakan layanan ini secara langsung. Tanpa...

HOWTO: Securing A Website With Client SSL Certificates

Let's assume that you have an Apache webserver and a website that you want VERY finite access controls on. You could do it a number of ways, right? You could craft a clever login page and use cookies, session IDs, etc. You could use a simple authentication method like .htaccess. Or, you could create a custom SSL certificate and give that certificate to very specific users that should have access to your site. In a perfect world, only these users could communicate with your site AND the connection would be secured via the magic of SSL. I know what you're thinking. "But Chief, what if someone STEALS your certificate?" Hey, what if someone steals your car keys? :-) I have always wanted a good how-to document on doing this, and reader 'Null' (who I must also point out is a heck of a nice guy, and a fun sort to hang out at Def Con with) came through big time. Without further ado, here is Null's write-up on the subject. Enjoy! ~ Chief Reader 'Null' write...